A large quartz crystal point wrapped with copper wire and attached to a vintage copper and brass filigree setting. This comes with a 24 inch copper large link chain. The quartz has iron oxide deposits and also a very interesting inclusion with a rainbow prism.
The use of copper dates back nearly 10,000 years. It was probably the first metal to be used for decorative items and also weapons. Ancient Egyptians developed copper-working techniques as early as 3900 BC.
Copper has long been associated with healing. Many people believe copper can be used to conduct energy between crystals and individuals and can improve psychic communication.
Quartz amplifies and directs energy and builds energy pathways. It can strengthen the energies of anything it is put with, and can be used to channel energy and send it out to other stones. The resonating quality is the reason that quartz was originally used in radios and other transmitters, and manufactured crystals are still used in electronic devices today.
Stones listed as natural, raw, or rough may have some imperfections and inclusions. Be sure to check all photos, including the zoom feature, for details about a particular stone. Please see photo with ruler for size. Colors may vary with individual monitors.
Many stones are susceptible to fading, and they should be kept out of direct sunlight. Do not use hot water or salt water to clean them. Stone properties and descriptions are for informational purposes only and do not offer any guaranteed outcomes. Also, they are not intended as a substitute for medical care.