I capped a natural quartz crystal skull with a silver plated cap and added silver wire wrap trim. This comes with a 24 inch oxidized silver plated chain. The quartz has natural inclusions.
The Day of the Dead is a festival celebrated annually to honor the spirits of departed ancestors and beloved friends. It is believed that these spirits return on Dia de los Muertos to join in the celebration and partake of earthly pleasures such as food, drink, and tobacco. Originally celebrated only in Mexico, this holiday has spread out to other countries where Mexican nationals have relocated.
Human skulls have a greater visual appeal than the other bones of the human skeleton, and can fascinate even as they repel. Our present society predominantly associates skulls with death and evil. However, to some ancient societies it is believed to have had the opposite association, where objects like crystal skulls represented life.
The Celts saw the skull as the seat of power and the house of the soul. Skulls are the main symbol of the Mexican Day of the Dead holiday. The skull was often carved on early New England tombstones as a symbol of mortality, but the skull was often backed by a pair of wings, perhaps an indication of immortality as well.
Quartz has been used since prehistoric times as an adornment and a ritual tool in Europe and the Middle East, and also ancient America. It was most often used for different types of jewelry and carvings, including engraved gems and rock crystal vessels.
Quartz has been identified in Australian Aboriginal mythology and also Native American lore. It has been found in burial chambers in many European locations, including Newgrange and Carrowmore in Ireland. The Irish word for quartz is grian cloch, which means stone of the sun.
Quartz crystal is the most abundant gemstone in the earth's crust. It is found on every continent. Clear quartz is considered a power stone and can enhance the metaphysical properties of other stones. Quartz Crystal has a similar vibration as humans. Using a crystal to meditate and wearing or keeping a crystal helps to a better understanding of yourself.
Quartz amplifies and directs energy and builds energy pathways. It can strengthen the energies of anything it is put with, and can be used to channel energy and send it out to other stones. The resonating quality is the reason that quartz was originally used in radios and other transmitters, and manufactured crystals are still used in electronic devices today.
Stones listed as natural, raw, or rough may have some imperfections and inclusions. Be sure to check all photos, including the zoom feature, for details about a particular stone. Please see photo with ruler for size. Colors may vary with individual monitors.
Many stones are susceptible to fading, and they should be kept out of direct sunlight. Do not use hot water or salt water to clean them. Stone properties and descriptions are for informational purposes only and do not offer any guaranteed outcomes. Also, they are not intended as a substitute for medical care.